Indirect Identification of Human Control During Walking

Jason K. Moore

Human Motion and Control Laboratory []

Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

July 15, 2014

NCSSR Visiting Scholar Kickoff, Stanford, Palo Alto, California, USA


Our big picture questions

What are the fundamental control mechanisms used during human gait?

  • Zero moment point control: Asimo, etc?
  • Optimal control: maximize stability, minimize energy, etc?
  • Something else?

What control mechanisms can powered prosthetics utilize to recreate able bodied human gait?

  • Maybe the previous are good choices, maybe not.
  • Is it possible to develop a data driven controller for a particular prosthetic that behaves like a human, defects and all?
  • What can common gait lab data from able-bodied humans tell us about the control mechanisms during gait? Can we measure what we really want to?
  • What kind of experiments can generate rich data needed to identify controllers?

How can we identify these controllers from large sets of gait data?

Maybe standard system identification methods?

  • Direct Approach
  • Indirect Approach

Our goal

Desired Improvements

  • Natural gait patterns
  • Balance

Additional Benefits

  • Quantification of control can possibly be used to assess patients with a new set of numbers

Clips collected from [1], [2], [3], and [4].

Our current approach

  1. Collect common gait data from many gait cycles (500-1000)
  2. During cycles, apply pseudo-random external perturbations to the human
  3. Assume a simple time varying linear MIMO black box control structure
  4. Find the best fit of the control model to the data with a direct approach
  5. Test the resulting controller(s) in simulation and in actual devices (in progress)

Idealized Gait Feedback Control


  • \(\varphi\): Phase of gait cycle
  • \(\mathbf{s}(t)\): Joint angles and rates
  • \(\mathbf{m}(t)\): Joint torques
  • \(w(t)\): Random belt speed


  • \(\mathbf{K}(\varphi)\): Matrix of feedback gains
  • \(\mathbf{s}_0(\varphi)\): Open loop joint angles and rates
  • \(\mathbf{m}_0(\varphi)\): Open loop joint torques

Controller Equations

\[ \mathbf{m}(t) = \mathbf{m}_0(\varphi) + \mathbf{K}(\varphi) [\mathbf{s}_0(\varphi) - \mathbf{s}(t)] \\ \] \[ \mathbf{m}(t) = \mathbf{m}^*(\varphi) - \mathbf{K}(\varphi) \mathbf{s}(t) \] where \[ \mathbf{m}^*(t) = \mathbf{m}_0(\varphi) + \mathbf{K}(\varphi) \mathbf{s}_0(\varphi) \]

Gain Matrix: Planar Walker


Assume that a lower limb exoskeleton can sense relative orientation and rate of the right and left planar ankle, knee, and hip angles.

\(\mathbf{s}(t) = \begin{bmatrix} s_1 & \dot{s}_1 & \ldots & s_q & \dot{s}_q \end{bmatrix} \) where \(q=6\)

Controls (plant inputs)

Assume that the exoskeleton can generate planar ankle, knee, and hip joint torques.

\(\mathbf{m}(t) = \begin{bmatrix}m_1 & \ldots & m_q \end{bmatrix} \) where \(q=6\)

Gain Matrix [Proportional-Derivative Control]

\( \mathbf{K}(\varphi) = \begin{bmatrix} k(\varphi)_{s_1} & k(\varphi)_{\dot{s_1}} & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0\\ 0 & 0 & k(\varphi)_{s_2} & k(\varphi)_{\dot{s_2}} & 0 & \ldots & \vdots\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \ddots & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \ldots & 0 & k(\varphi)_{s_q} & k(\varphi)_{\dot{s}_q} \\ \end{bmatrix} \)

Linear Least Squares

With \(n\) time samples in each gait cycle and \(m\) cycles there are \(mnq\) equations and which can be used to solve for the \(nq(p+1)\) unknowns: \(\mathbf{m}^*(\varphi)\) and \(\mathbf{K}(\varphi)\). This is a classic overdetermined system of linear equations that can be solved with linear least squares.

\[\mathbf{A}\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{b}\] \[\hat{\mathbf{x}}=(\mathbf{A}^T\mathbf{A})^{-1}\mathbf{A}^T\mathbf{b}\]

Random Belt Speed Variations

Gains: v=0.8 m/s

Gain variation with speed

How good is the model?

Can we put this controller into an exoskeleton?



  • Difficult to validate the control law
  • Does the result reflect the inverse of plant or the controller?
  • In general, a plant is required to validate controller

Other approaches need to be explored

Indirect Identification

Controller Choice

Grey box

Black box


Free parameters

\( \mathbf{\theta} = \mathbf{x}_0, p_1, ..., p_q\), \(q = 100\) to \(300\)

Gradient free parallel optimization methods

Cost function

Computational Costs

I need a 25x to 50x simulation speedup (480 second simulation) to have 1 day turn around on solutions

  • Wang et. al 2010
  • Geijtenbeek 2013

Direct Collocation Variables

  • \(\mathbf{x}\): state vector (joint angles and angular rates)
  • \(\mathbf{u}^u\): unknown input vector (open loop joint torques)
  • \(\mathbf{u}^k\): known input vector (belt speed perturbation)
  • \(p_1, \ldots, p_q\): controller parameters
  • \(\mathbf{y}_m\): measured output variables (marker locations, ground reaction loads)
  • \(\mathbf{y}\): model output variables (marker locations, ground reaction loads)
  • \(M\): # measured time samples
  • \(N\): # discretized samples (50-100 for gait cycle)
  • \(n\): # states (~18 for "simple" planar walker)
  • \(m\): # unknown inputs (~9 open loop joint torques)
  • \(p\): # known inputs (1 belt speed)
  • \(q\): # free model constants (100-300 controller parameters)

Direct Collocation Model Formulation

Free Parameters

\( \theta = \mathbf{x}_1, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_N, \mathbf{u}^u_1, \ldots, \mathbf{u}^u_N, p_1, \ldots, p_q \) ~1M

Cost Function and Gradient

\( J(\theta) = \sum_{i=1}^M || y_{mi} - y_i || \)

Constraints and Jacobian

\(0 = \mathbf{f}(\dot{\mathbf{x}}, \mathbf{x}, \mathbf{u}, t)\) has to hold at each discrete time instance

Backward Euler Discretization

\( 0 = \mathbf{f}_j(\mathbf{x}_j, \mathbf{x}_{j-1}, \mathbf{u}^k_j, \mathbf{u}^u_j, \mathbf{u}^u_{j-1}, p_1, \ldots, p_q) \in \mathbb{R}^n \quad j=2,\ldots,N \)

\(N \approx 1,000,000\)

Direct Collocation Solution

Plant Model

Simple 2D torque actuated 10 DoF planar walker (Opensim gait10dof18musc)

Control Model

  1. A simpler version of the phase muscle-reflex controller in Wang et. al 2010
  2. Simple PD gain gait phase scheduled controller + optimal open loop joint torques



Direct Collocation Hurdles



Desired result is to let the data tell us what the controller is




Source code for this analysis
