Notebook Entry

AIO for October 21, 2014

Last week's accomplishments

Inverted Pendulum Paper

  • [1 hr, Done ~ 2 hr] Finish SymPy reserved words PR.
    • This fixed some issues related to computing the symbolic Jacobian of the walking model. (#8199_, #8200_)
  • [5 hr, Done ~ 5 hr] Implement simulation with process noise, measurement noise (both on states and torques), and perturbation accelerations.
    • I've implemented the Park 2004 model and the parameter id for it, but it doesn't work fully yet. See the issues.
  • [1 hr, Done 0.5 hr] Rework the outline to reflect Ton and my discussion.
  • [0.25 hr, Done 0.1 hr] Email Samin to inquire about co-authorship.
  • [1 hr, Done 1 hr] Decide on specific figures to include.

Walking Data Paper

  • [1 hr, Done 2 hr] Describe the GaitAnalysisToolkit DFlow data and it's output.
  • [1 hr, Done 1 hr] Write a closing paragraph.
  • [1 hr, Done 1 hr] Decide on what plots to show that display the nature of the data and add to the outline.
  • [4 hr, Done 11 hr] Create the plots for the paper.

Bicycle Data Paper

  • [2 hr] Write section describing the instrumentation.
  • [2 hr] Write section describing the experiments.
  • [1 hr] Decide on figures in the paper.

Done, 2.6 hr. See the latest version.

Old website

Two people asked me for materials on my old website this past week which was erased by the UCD IT deparment.

  • [2 hr] Send ENG 4 teaching materials to Yuri.
  • [2 hr] Setup my old website so the pedal desk students can access the information.

Done, 1 hr, website is up temporarily here:


  • [3 hr] Cleaned up the GaitAnalysisToolKit to get it in shape for release and publication. Bunch of commits.

Last week's issues

Inverted Pendulum Paper

  • The Park 2004 identification.

    • When I use realistic human parameters I'm having a hard time getting convergence. See issue 18.
  • [5 hr] Finish implementing the Ackermann 2010 example.

    • I fixed all the issues related to computing the symbolic Jacobian but now I think I have an issue with the additional constraints for periodicity. I'm not sure, but IPOPT is balking with this error:

      iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr
         0  2.4293529e+07 2.16e+07 5.03e+00   0.0 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 0.00e+00
      WARNING: Problem in step computation; switching to emergency mode.
         1r 2.4293529e+07 2.16e+07 9.99e+02   6.7 0.00e+00  20.0 0.00e+00 0.00e+00R
      WARNING: Problem in step computation; switching to emergency mode.
      Restoration phase is called at point that is almost feasible,
        with constraint violation 0.000000e+00. Abort.
        Restoration phase in the restoration phase failed.

Bicycle Steer Torque Paper

Didn't get to this at all.

  • [5 hr] Go over Mont's commments and fix them.
  • [2 hr] Use seaborn to improve the matplotlib histogram plots.

This week's objectives

  • [7 hr] CSU Open Access Symposia
  • [2 hr] Draft consulting agreement and send to Ton.
  • Go on a bicycle ride through Phnom Phen.
  • [5 hr] Go over Mont's commments on the steer torque paper and fix them.
  • [2 hr] Use seaborn to improve the matplotlib histogram plots in the steer torque paper.

I'm not going to make any other objectives but will work on some stuff.